Docker image with buildx inside
Base docker image with buildx Base docker image with docker and buildx installed in it. This image was created for use in GitLab CI for building multiarch images. GitHub Repo
Base docker image with buildx Base docker image with docker and buildx installed in it. This image was created for use in GitLab CI for building multiarch images. GitHub Repo
Generate draft release on GitHub with GitHub Actions I was trying to find a way to do GitHub releases with GitHub Actions or GitLab CI. When I happen to find semantic-release project. One of the benefits of GitHub Actions is that the majority of its users open source their workflows by default. I was able to kick start my workflow for keeping up with releases thanks to code from benmvp, a GitHub user and keynote speaker....
GitHub Actions and Workflows Github Actions enables you to create custom software development lifecycle workflows directly in your Github repository. These workflows are made out of different tasks so-called actions that can be run automatically on certain events. This enables you to include Continues Integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD) capabilities and many other features directly in your repository. Why care about Github Actions? Before we get into the technical detail let’s discussed why developers should care about Github Actions in the first place and which benefits they provide....